Monday, July 09, 2007

Colour Blind? ... Try Black & White.

Earth calling Moon Rocket ....
General question No. 4 !

Why O why does the human race perceive the world with all its seemingly immense possibilities as vivid high definition multi million colour shades ?

Its always the same story - the eternal search for perfection... the exact meaning... the right understanding... the electrifying connect... the right motive... Blah... Blah... Blah...

The problem is that our processing power is limited and we get thoroughly confused by the sheer number and complexity of shades that the spectrum of life presents. This inevitably leads to total chaos.

What nobody seems to understand is that life with all its possibilities will become much simpler to comprehend and far easier to tackle if we were to simply interpret everything as single blocks of Black & White. Simply put; just use logic and give up interpretation and analysis.

Now I have on several occassions been informed that this is impossible.
But ladies and gentlemen, trust me ... Try and thy shall succeed.

Afterall logic, though rare is not impossible to find.

Heres a hint - begin with common sense.


Anonymous said...

are you the same guy ...

damn! you make a lot of sense

as long as it dosen't apply in your own life


serendipity said...

a thousand kids
a psyco whose dying to get attention
stuffed your taste buds with food and thoughts from the world over
the more hair you lose the bigger gets your paycheck

quest world: you are the happiest 40 year old in the world


(dont mess with my comments....janakpuri boy)

serendipity said...

ever though of changing the look of:
- your blog
- your thoughts
- your life
- your image
- your desires
- your dreams
- your regrets
- your bed ka toota leg

try it...

Quest World said...

Actually I have been thinking of an overall makeover. All but one ... bed ka toota leg !

Mad... Oh yes quite :-)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm....interesting! But just a small problem. White is a combination of all the colours of visible light spectrum. Black absorbs all the colours and reflects none!
What do you say to that? Is it simple black-white now??

Quest World said...

Dear Anonymous,
You've answered your own question.
The very fact that white and black are the sum totals of their respective properties means that they are 'the final solution'.
Now what do you say to that ...
