Friday, February 29, 2008

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Anatomy of Desire

One must give up everything to truly posses anything ...

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Selective Amnesia

Earth calling Moon Rocket ....
General question No. 5 !

Why O why do women spend hours in front of a mirror color coordinating their attire from head to toe and then pretend to be unaware ?

If you happen to comment or compliment them ... the answer that you will hear in all probability will be as follows -

"Oh! (looking down) ... Am I ... Really, I didn't even realize ... (fluttering eyes) It like ... just happened ... you know"
"... But thank you !"

What purpose can this selective amnesia possibly serve?
Is it just attention deficiency? Then why deny ... say yes and move on ....

Any answers ...

P.S. - Just in case you were wondering if this was an isolated incident ... I'd say it cuts across every line in the feminine domain.