Friday, December 28, 2007

Refreshing !

Thursday, December 20, 2007

In & Out

Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them.

Some are born mad, some achieve madness and some bring madness upon them and those around them.

Unfortunately greatness and madness go hand in hand.

What makes all the difference is striking the right the balance ... Its called making a choice !

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Day of Revelations

They say anger greatly reduces the functionality of our brain's logic centres but somehow to my surprise I've learnt the reverse is also true.
I suddenly have answers to so many questions that have puzzled me for the longest time.
And today (now) I can actually sit back and laugh at the ridiculousness of the whole affair. I mean what a fool I've been, its all been so obvious from the start.
Conclusion ? All that thought, energy, emotion, time and even stress ... everything wasted in such an eloquently elegant way ? ... Hmmmnnn ...
Well I don't think so ...
I suppose I've come out of this a lot wiser. Call it 'experience'. At least I now know everything I should internalise with a pinch of salt.
Any Regrets ? ... Ummmnn ... Not really courtesy the experience and the learnings. Though I wish this moment had come much earlier. Would have saved me incredible amounts of time and effort.