Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Whats The Scene ...

Restless energy
Super good weather
Nowhere to go
Tired mind
Too much work
Boring atmosphere
Emotional mind
No relief
Cloudy night sky
Ray of light
Second chance
Desperate measures
Clap of thunder
Depth of silence
So little time

Monday, January 29, 2007

Ask ?

I just read this very interesting quote ...
'Its better to ask twice than than to loose your way once.'
And I think it makes a lot of sense !

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Shakespearean Verdict

After the longest three days of my life I've decided that you my friend Mr. Shakespeare had no clue about your own dilemma ...

Sorry William since I am in no position to pass a verdict on myself (at all) ... better you than me !

By the way Willy did you ever believe in miracles ?... You know ... I mean I don't know ... maybe someday ... somewhere... I'll be surprised !!!

Till then ... IS Life Beautiful ?
Ya Ya ... I know "All the world's a stage ... " blah blah blah........
Well well well "Play On ..."

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Dream Junction ...

Its past 4:00 AM and I have been staring at my blank screen for several hours now. My only company in this sleepless quest has been the untiring cursor, the hum of my laptops fan and a tired but worried and anxious brain that's been gushing forth a steady stream of thoughts.
While I stood at the Incredible Junction, mesmerised by what I saw, felt and perceived; I had promised not to analyse or interpret any of the myriad scapes that it presented. Today I'm still there ... but today I'm worried that this dream that I have so ardently chased might forever just remain a dream...
What should I do ?
Should I just stand there and let the world go by and then hope for the best ? (this is what I am doing at present)
OR Should I do what I've always practiced myself and also advised others to do (in all aspects) ... "Accept life only at your own terms because you yourself have the power to write your own destiny..."
Why is it that suddenly my own philosophy that I have so religiously followed has suddenly deserted me?
But isn't that what I really want? And isn't this is just another means to attain my goal. But do the means justify the goal ? ... NO (period)
Is what I want really matter? ... I don’t know...

Maybe I am living in a dream world and this dream that I'm chasing is a part of the dream world... I don't know...
What I do know is that I don't want to wake up? For once I don’t...
And somehow I fear I will …

Monday, January 22, 2007

What Now ?

My dear friend William Shakespeare once wrote -
"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances ..."

Then Why O Why did you Mr. Shakespeare write this -
"To be, or not to be: that is the question."

Because my life currently revolves around it and for once I have no solution !

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Incredible Junction !

I've always loved travelling - moving on in search of something new and fresh, for ideas and experiences that will help me unravel the mysteries of the world that surrounds me.

BUT ... but today ... its different.

I don't know how to explain this but for once I don't just wish to take off into the horizon that has always enchanted me. Instead I want to be here in my comfort zone that has so recently covered me up in a cozy cocoon and consumed every second of my thinking.

I don't know where this will lead ... I've never ever experienced anything quite like this !
Maybe I'm just chasing a dream ... But then some dreams are worth chasing !